Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sunday Reviews #4

Cable and the X-Force #7 - I'm torn on this book. On the one had I love the dialogue. The characters all have a good patter. Its possible that its a bit too relaxed with the situations that they're in, but its fun. Especially the eternally frustrated Forge. Unfortunately the book itself doesn't seem to make a lick of sense. The first arc had the team infiltrating a fast food giant to stop some kind of virus and the second has them stealing a spaceship to get an intergalactic criminal off planet. Because... reasons. I have no idea. Its probably related to Cable's visions of the future, but we don't know anything about them except that they're happening and that we've seen foreshadowing that they're being caused by someone. With the current 90s character revival at Marvel I'm predicting Strife will be back. Or Adam-X the X-Treme. And since Rick Remender isn't writing it it'll probably suck.

Iron Man #8 - I've really started to take note of when Kieron Gillon is on a book lately. I read Phonogram back when it came out in TPB but it didn't do much for me at the time. Recently he's been doing a hell of a job on his Marvel books. This week we got the final part of the Godkiller arc in which Tony Stark is on trial for his life for the crime of killing The Phoenix. Trial by combat that is, and without his armor at that. He held his own against the various combatants of the people prosecuting him since he's actually been in a fight before, but not wanting to loose the trial they bring in Death's Head to throw down. And throw rocks. And throw Tony. Of course he escapes, and we get an appearance by the Celestials as well as a set-up for the ongoing villain of our space opera. Greg Land's art wasn't even as stiff as normal since he actually had to draw some of the issue. You can't photo-reference a porn star for a Celestial.

Wonder Woman #19 - A year and a half later and I can say for certain that this is my favorite book out of the DC relaunch. Now I've seen a lot of complaints online that this is nothing but people sitting around talking. And it is. It completely is. I guess the people complaining about it don't have any interest in politics because Wonder Woman is all about betrayal, backhanded deals and hidden information. The only thing that I don't like about the book is Good Time Orion. At first I enjoyed him not being nothing more than a one note character that was always angry but his portrayal in the last few issues with him being little more than a frat boy hanging out has gotten on my nerves. Fortunately it looks like he's moving on here, or at least progressing his story. On the art side we had two different pencilers and two different inkers who were all trying their best to do a Cliff Chiang and not succeeding. Hopefully we'll have him back next issue.

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