Thursday, July 11, 2013

Revising the Pull List

As it stands my current pull list is this


Wonder Woman
The Legion of Super-Heroes


The Avengers
New Avengers
Uncanny Avengers
Young Avengers
Captain America
Thor: God of Thunder
The Indestructible Hulk
Iron Man
Uncanny X-Men*
All New X-Men*


The Manhattan Projects
Jupiter's Legacy
East of West
Satellite Sam
Nowhere Men
Ten Grand

And thats too damn many comics. Now some of this is being handled by the publishers for me. Legion of Super-Heroes is being cancelled and relaced by some kind of JLA based book that I'm really not all that interested in. Nightwing is getting sucked into the maw that is Forever Evil and the closest I'm getting to that is picking up the tie in issues in September that are still being written by the regular creative team. After Sept my pulls from DC will be.

Wonder Woman

Marvel is going to be culled a little more heavily. Avengers, New Avengers, Hawkeye, The Indestructible Hulk, and Thor: God of Thunder are being cut. None of them are bad. The Avengers books are dropping off because of thier connection to the upcoming Infinity crossover which I'm going to have to sit out. Thor is gone because issues are either awesome or nothing happens. I don't have room for that level of inconsistency. The Indestructible Hulk had an amazing first issue but only the most recent has come close to matching it and I've got a feeling thats more because of its Daredevil appearance. Hawkeye I get digitally and I can always catch up once the price of the issues drop. That leaves me with the following for Marvel.

Uncanny Avengers
Young Avengers
Captain America
Iron Man
Uncanny X-Men*
All New X-Men*

Now there's two reasons I'm doing this. First is I recently lost my job and I need to curb expenses. The second is because of the Image Comics Expo that was held recently. The only book on my Image pulls that I'd consider dropping right now is Satellite Sam. I didn't even dislike Satellite Sam. It just feels more like it should be an hour long TV series and I just saw the first ten minutes. There's clearly a lot going on in it and I've got a feeling its going to be an excellently developed series. Why is this a problem? Because it looks like my Image pulls are going to nearly double based on what they announced. I need to prepare now. Its possible that by the time the new books start coming out in October I'll be down to just a few of the big two. And thats a good thing/

*I get these books digitally by buying the redemption code found in the back of the book via certain online forums. I'm probably not dropping them because they only run me $1 an issue.

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